Requires space after opening round bracket and before closing.
Types: String
or Object
: strict mode"allButNested"
: (deprecated use Object version with "except": ["(", ")"]
) ignores nested brackets
in a rowObject
: true"ignoreParenthesizedExpression"
: true"except"
: Array specifying list of tokens that can occur after an opening bracket or before a
closing bracket without a space"requireSpacesInsideParentheses": "all"
"requireSpacesInsideParentheses": {
"all": true,
"except": [ "{", "}", "\"" ]
var x = Math.pow( ( 1 + 2 ), ( 3 + 4 ) );
{ "all": true, "except": [ "(", ")" ] }
or "allButNested"
var x = Math.pow(( 1 + 2 ), ( 3 + 4 ));
{ "all": true, "ignoreParenthesizedExpression": true }
if ( !("foo" in obj) ) {}
{ "all": true, "except": [ "{", "}" ] }
var x = Math.pow( foo({ test: 1 }) );
{ "all": true, "except": [ "\"" ] }
var x = foo("string");
var x = foo( 1 );
var x = Math.pow(1 + 2, 3 + 4);