
Disallows the not, not equals, and strict not equals operators in conditionals.

Type: Boolean

Value: true


"disallowNotOperatorsInConditionals": true
if (clause) {
    // Do something really crazy
} else {
    // Do something crazy

if (a == 1) {
    // Do something really crazy
} else {
    // Do something crazy

var a = (clause) ? 1 : 0
if (!clause) {
    // Do something crazy
} else {
    // Do something really crazy

if (a != 1) {
    // Do something crazy
} else {
    // Do something really crazy

if (a !== 1) {
    // Do something crazy
} else {
    // Do something really crazy

var a = (!clause) ? 0 : 1
Rule source
Test source