
Requires lines to not contain both spaces and tabs consecutively, or spaces after tabs only for alignment if "smart"

Types: Boolean or String

Values: true or "smart"

JSHint: smarttabs


"disallowMixedSpacesAndTabs": true
Valid example for mode true
\tvar foo = "blah blah";
\s\s\s\svar foo = "blah blah";
\t\s*/ //a single space to align the star in a multi-line comment is allowed
Invalid example for mode true
\t\svar foo = "blah blah";
\s\tsvar foo = "blah blah";
Valid example for mode "smart"
\tvar foo = "blah blah";
\t\svar foo = "blah blah";
\s\s\s\svar foo = "blah blah";
\t\s*/ //a single space to align the star in a multi-line comment is allowed
Invalid example for mode "smart"
\s\tsvar foo = "blah blah";
Rule source
Test source